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Is Your Community Experiencing Low Homeowner Engagement? Let Us Help!


Staff member
Mar 20, 2024
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In today’s fast-paced environment, it’s easy for Tacoma, WA, homeowners to become disconnected from their community. With busy schedules and endless distractions, it can be challenging to stay engaged in the neighborhood and stay up-to-date on everything that’s happening.

However, low homeowner engagement can have a significant impact on the overall well-being and success of your community. From neglecting important decisions to a general lack of community spirit, low engagement can lead to a wide range of issues that decrease resident satisfaction. If your HOA is suffering from low homeowner engagement, here are several simple strategies that can help boost interaction and create a thriving community.

Send Out Surveys

One of the most effective ways to encourage homeowner engagement is by sending out surveys to assess their concerns and needs. Homeowners don’t always have time to go to board meetings or otherwise go out of their way to participate. By generating and disseminating surveys directly to homeowners, you make it easier for them to share their thoughts and, therefore, make it more likely that they will do so.

Surveys can provide valuable insights into what matters most to residents, identifying areas that need improvement. They are also a great way to gather feedback on past and future community events, services, amenities, and more. Surveys also give homeowners a voice and make them feel heard, which can go a long way in fostering a sense of community.

Encourage Volunteering

Volunteers are the backbone of any community, but this is especially true of homeowners associations. Virtually every aspect of HOA operations is handled by volunteers, including your HOA board.

However, while serving on the board is a great way to get involved, it’s a big commitment that not every resident has the time or willingness to take on. To encourage homeowners to test the waters of community engagement, encourage them to join specific committees.

By giving homeowners a chance to contribute to the well-being of their community through these committees, you are fostering a sense of pride and ownership in their community. Volunteering can also help bring neighbors together, creating new friendships and strengthening existing ones. Whether it’s a big project or a small task, having a sense of purpose and contributing to the community in some way can be incredibly fulfilling for residents and give them a new outlook on the importance of community engagement.

Show Appreciation to Volunteers

While recruiting new volunteers can be immensely helpful, it’s important to recognize and appreciate the existing volunteers who currently allow your community to run smoothly. Thanking volunteers for their contributions can go a long way in boosting morale and encouraging continued engagement.

A thank you note or a small token of appreciation can make a significant impact and will be greatly appreciated. You can also highlight volunteers’ efforts on the neighborhood’s social media page, online portal, or newsletter to publicly recognize them and thank them for their dedication. Showing public appreciation not only acknowledges the individual’s efforts but also inspires others to get involved.

Create a Sense of Community

Another great way to increase homeowner engagement levels is by creating a stronger sense of community. It’s essential to provide opportunities for neighbors to get to know each other and form connections, and this can be easily done through regular community events such as barbecues or game nights.

Community events offer a chance for homeowners to voice their opinions and concerns in a casual setting. By creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, residents are more likely to feel connected and engaged in their community.

Invest in Digital Tools for Easy Access

Many community associations now use web portals to allow residents to easily access important information such as meeting minutes, financial reports, and other documents. They serve as a great central point of information and can provide residents with non-urgent updates in lieu of emails or other direct communication.

This digital approach saves time for both homeowners and community leaders, making it easier to communicate and engage with residents. It also provides a more convenient and modern way for homeowners to access community information, which makes them more likely to do so. The more residents are aware of what’s happening in their community, the more likely they are to share their thoughts and participate in HOA events, creating a more engaged community.

Utilizing HOA management firms with modern tools for resident communication, such as The Management Trust’s Text Trusty, will increase resident satisfaction and encourage greater future engagement by providing instant answers to any questions or discrepancies residents may have.

If you want a community management partner that will engage residents and boost your HOA’s success, look no further than The Management Trust. We’ve been an industry leader for over 30 years, with more than 1,500 communities served nationwide. To learn more about our full range of community management services for Tacoma, WA, HOAs, including 24/7 resident communication, call The Management Trust at 253-472-0825 or fill out our online contact form today.

The post Is Your Community Experiencing Low Homeowner Engagement? Let Us Help! appeared first on Management Trust.
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